home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- External;
- {
- Crt.p für PCQ-Pascal, um nützliche "Konsolen"-Funktionen und Prozeduren
- auch ohne einen Konsolenparameter nutzen zu können;
- Crt.p for PCQ-Pascal to use console functions and procedures without an
- console parameter.
- }
- {$I "include:exec/exec.i"}
- {$I "include:dos/dos.i"}
- {$I "include:dos/dosextens.i"}
- {$I "include:intuition/intuition.i"}
- {$I "include:Devices/ConUnit.i"}
- {$I "include:Utils/StringLib.i"}
- const
- CSI = chr($9b);
- CD_CURRX = 1;
- CD_CURRY = 2;
- CD_MAXX = 3;
- CD_MAXY = 4;
- { -- Interne Crt-Funktionen/Prozeduren; internals -- }
- function OpenInfo : InfoDataPtr;
- var
- port : MsgPortPtr;
- info : InfoDataPtr;
- bptr, d4, d5, d6, d7 : integer;
- begin
- info := InfoDataPtr(AllocVec(SizeOf(InfoData), MEMF_PUBLIC));
- if info <> nil then begin
- port := GetConsoleTask;
- bptr := integer(info) shr 2;
- if port <> nil then begin
- if DoPkt(port, ACTION_DISK_INFO, bptr, d4, d5, d6, d7) <> DOSFALSE then info := InfoDataPtr(bptr shl 2)
- else port := nil;
- end;
- if port = nil then begin
- FreeVec(info);
- info := nil;
- end;
- end;
- OpenInfo := info;
- end;
- procedure CloseInfo(var info : InfoDataPtr);
- begin
- if info <> nil then begin
- FreeVec(info);
- info := nil;
- end;
- end;
- function ConData(modus : byte) : integer;
- var
- info : InfoDataPtr;
- unit : ConUnitPtr;
- pos : integer;
- begin
- pos := 1;
- info := OpenInfo;
- if info <> nil then begin
- unit := ConUnitPtr((IoStdReqPtr(info^.id_InUse))^.io_Unit);
- case modus of
- CD_CURRX : pos := unit^.cu_XCP;
- CD_CURRY : pos := unit^.cu_YCP;
- CD_MAXX : pos := unit^.cu_XMax;
- CD_MAXY : pos := unit^.cu_YMax;
- end;
- CloseInfo(info);
- end;
- ConData := pos + 1;
- end;
- { -- öffentliche Funktionen und Prozeduren; public functions and procedures -- }
- { Cursorpositionen; cursor positions }
- function WhereX : integer;
- begin
- WhereX := ConData(CD_CURRX);
- end;
- function WhereY : integer;
- begin
- WhereY := ConData(CD_CURRY);
- end;
- function MaxX : integer;
- begin
- MaxX := ConData(CD_MAXX);
- end;
- function MaxY : integer;
- begin
- MaxY := ConData(CD_MAXY);
- end;
- { Cursorpositionierungen; cursor positioning }
- procedure GotoXY(x, y : integer);
- var
- mx, my : integer;
- begin
- mx := MaxX;
- my := MaxY;
- if x < 1 then x := WhereX
- else if x > mx then x := mx;
- if y < 1 then y := WhereY
- else if y > my then y := my;
- Write(CSI, y, ";", x, "H");
- end;
- procedure GotoX(x : integer);
- begin
- GotoXY(x, 0);
- end;
- procedure GotoY(y : integer);
- begin
- GotoXY(0, y);
- end;
- procedure GoUp(n : integer);
- begin
- if (n > 1) and (n < WhereY) then Write(CSI, n, "A");
- end;
- procedure GoDown(n : integer);
- begin
- if (n > 0) and (n <= (MaxY - WhereY)) then Write(CSI, n, "B");
- end;
- procedure GoLeft(n : integer);
- begin
- if (n > 0) and (n < WhereX) then Write(CSI, n, "D");
- end;
- procedure GoRight(n : integer);
- begin
- if (n > 0) and (n <= (MaxX - WhereX)) then Write(CSI, n, "C");
- end;
- { Cursordarstellungen; cursor display }
- procedure CursorOff;
- begin
- Write(CSI,"0 p");
- end;
- procedure CursorOn;
- begin
- Write(CSI,"1 p");
- end;
- { Spezielle Consolen-Aktionen; special console procedures }
- procedure Bell;
- begin
- Write(Chr($07));
- end;
- procedure ClrScr;
- begin
- Write(Chr($0c));
- end;
- procedure ConReset;
- begin
- Write("\ec");
- end;
- { Tastatureingaben; keyboard inputs }
- function Break : boolean;
- begin
- if (SetSignal(0, 0) and SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) = SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C then
- Break := true
- else
- Break := false;
- end;
- function ReadKey : char;
- var
- info : InfoDataPtr;
- win : WindowPtr;
- imsg : IntuiMessagePtr;
- msg : MessagePtr;
- key : char;
- idcmp, vanil : integer;
- begin
- key := char(0);
- info := OpenInfo;
- if info <> nil then begin
- win := WindowPtr(ConUnitPtr((IoStdReqPtr(info^.id_InUse))^.io_Unit)^.cu_Window);
- idcmp := win^.IDCMPFlags;
- ModifyIDCMP(win, (idcmp or vanil));
- repeat
- msg := WaitPort(win^.UserPort);
- imsg := IntuiMessagePtr(GetMsg(win^.UserPort));
- if (imsg^.Class = IDCMP_VANILLAKEY) or (imsg^.Class = IDCMP_RAWKEY) then key := char(imsg^.Code);
- ReplyMsg(MessagePtr(imsg));
- until key <> char(0);
- repeat
- msg := GetMsg(win^.UserPort);
- if msg <> nil then ReplyMsg(msg);
- until msg = nil;
- ModifyIDCMP(win, idcmp);
- CloseInfo(info);
- end;
- ReadKey := key;
- end;
- { Farben; colors }
- function GetTextColor : byte;
- var
- info : InfoDataPtr;
- pen : byte;
- begin
- pen := 1;
- info := OpenInfo;
- if info <> nil then begin
- pen := ConUnitPtr((IoStdReqPtr(info^.id_InUse))^.io_Unit)^.cu_FgPen;
- CloseInfo(info);
- end;
- GetTextColor := pen;
- end;
- function GetTextBackground : byte;
- var
- info : InfoDataPtr;
- pen : byte;
- begin
- pen := 1;
- info := OpenInfo;
- if info <> nil then begin
- pen := ConUnitPtr((IoStdReqPtr(info^.id_InUse))^.io_Unit)^.cu_BgPen;
- CloseInfo(info);
- end;
- GetTextBackground := pen;
- end;
- procedure TextColor(fgpen : byte);
- begin
- Write(CSI, '3', fgpen, 'm');
- end;
- procedure TextBackground(bgpen : byte);
- begin
- Write(CSI, '4', bgpen, 'm');
- end;
- procedure ConBackground(bgpen : byte);
- begin
- if bgpen = TEXT_BACKGROUND then bgpen := GetTextBackground;
- Write(CSI, '4', bgpen, ';>', bgpen, 'm');
- end;
- { Textdarstellungen; text display }
- procedure TextReset;
- begin
- Write(CSI, "0;39;49m");
- end;
- procedure TextStyle(style : byte);
- begin
- Write(CSI, style, "m");
- end;
- procedure TextMode(style, fgpen, bgpen : byte);
- begin
- TextReset;
- Write(CSI, style, ";3", fgpen, ";4", bgpen, "m");
- end;
- { Text-Zentrierung; text line centering }
- procedure CenterText(txt : string);
- begin
- GotoX((MaxX - StrLen(txt))/2+1);
- WriteLn(txt);
- end;
- { Text-Grafiken; text graphics }
- procedure TextLine(x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer; c : Char);
- var
- i, j, m, n, d, x, y, dy : integer;
- s, f : real;
- procedure Tausch(var a, b : integer);
- begin
- i := a;
- a := b;
- b := i;
- end;
- procedure d_ermitteln;
- begin
- s := s + f;
- n := trunc(s+0.5);
- d := n - m;
- m := n;
- end;
- begin
- { Grundsätzlich von links nach rechs zeichnen;
- always draw from left to right }
- if x2 < x1 then begin
- Tausch(x1, x2);
- Tausch(y1, y2);
- end;
- GotoXY(x1, y1);
- { Die vertikale Zeichenrichtung und die Abmessung in der Höhe ermitteln;
- determine the vertical drawing direction and height }
- if y1 < y2 then begin
- y := (y2-y1)+1;
- dy := 1;
- end else begin
- y := (y1-y2)+1;
- dy := -1;
- end;
- { Die Breite in Zeichen ermitteln;
- determine the count of chars in width }
- x := (x2-x1)+1;
- m := 0;
- s := 0;
- if x >= y then begin
- { Die Diagonale bedeckt eine Fläche, die breiter ist, als sie hoch ist;
- The diagonal is smaller in height than in width }
- f := x/y;
- for i := 1 to y do begin
- d_ermitteln;
- for j := 1 to d do Write(c);
- if i < y then GotoY(WhereY+dy);
- end;
- end else begin
- { Die Diagonale bedeckt eine Fläche, die schmaler ist, als sie hoch ist;
- The diagonal is smaller in width than in height }
- f := y/x;
- for i := 1 to x do begin
- d_ermitteln;
- for j := 1 to d-1 do begin
- Write(c);
- GotoXY(WhereX-1, WhereY+dy);
- end;
- Write(c);
- if i < x then GotoY(WhereY+dy);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TextRectFill(x, y, w, h : Integer; c : Char);
- var
- ox, oy, mx, my, i, j : Integer;
- begin
- ox := WhereX;
- oy := WhereY;
- GotoXY(x, y);
- x := WhereX;
- y := WhereY;
- if w < 0 then w := -w;
- if h < 0 then h := -h;
- mx := MaxX;
- my := MaxY;
- if (x+w) > mx then w := mx-x;
- if (y+h) > my then h := my-y;
- for i := 1 to h do begin
- for j := 1 to w do Write(c);
- GotoXY(x, WhereY+1);
- end;
- GotoXY(ox, oy);
- end;